Corten Steel

MTL specialises in working with Corten Steel, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to this unique material, including fabrication, laser cutting, bending, and assembly. With 367,000 sq. ft. of advanced manufacturing space, we deliver extensive capabilities designed specifically for Corten Steel projects, ensuring flexibility and quick turnaround times.


Corten Steel

Corten Steel (Cor-ten®) is a low-alloy, high-strength outdoor steel and is one of the groups of ‘Weathering Steels’ developed for its superior resistance to corrosion. It is designed to develop a rusty appearance once left to weather, which reduces the need for painting.

The rust that develops seals the surface by creating a protective layer preventing further corrosion and reduces the amount of glare which can be found on standard metals.  This process reduces the amount of maintenance which is required whilst simultaneously increasing the life span of the material.

Alloyed with nickel, copper and chromium, this increases the strength and corrosion resistance. Originally used in USA in the 1930’s for coal carriages, Corten is now used in a variety of different outdoor applications. Within architecture it can be incorporated into many designs such as buildings, roofing, bridges and sculptures.

The oxidisation process which develops on Corten Steel, occurs when the material is subjected to the alternating wet and dry conditions which exist outdoors.  Over time, the rust layer develops into a patina layer changing the colour from orange to dark brown through continuous regeneration promoting resistance to corrosion.

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We can supply Corten in the following sizes:




Up to 3330mm


Up to 15000mm

Why choose MTL?

MTL is the partner of choice for in the UK for Construction Companies, Landscaping Companies and Architects, given the unrivalled manufacturing capability.  We continuously upgrade our machinery which ensures the highest quality product for the best possible price. As everything happens under one roof, this means faster lead times and reduced transportation costs.

We undertake a wide range of projects across different industries and we are happy to provide quotations for all work. From start to finish MTL provide a fully comprehensive service.

Frequently Asked Questions

The oxidisation process which develops on Corten Steel, occurs when the material is subjected to the alternating wet and dry conditions which exist outdoors.  Over time, the rust layer develops into a patina layer changing the colour from orange to dark brown through continuous regeneration promoting resistance to corrosion.

The entire oxidisation process can take between 4-10 years, however more frequent wet and dry cycles will speed this process up.  Whilst the Corten steel doesn’t prevent rusting, it will reduce the amount of corrosion when applied correctly.

Corten has many benefits including maintenance and longevity. Alongside high-strength, Corten is a very low maintenance steel which is ideal for structures where maintenance can be difficult or dangerous such as bridges, or where disruption needs to be minimised such as around major roads or railways.

Corten can be constructed more quickly than other types of steel since processes such as painting can be eliminated. The rust appearance which develops on Corten can increase the longevity of the application given the resistance to corrosion therefore creating a more economical solution.

Corten Steel cut part

Commitment to Quality

MTL Advanced has obtained certification for all major quality management standards, including ISO 9001:2015, EN 3834-2, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, EN 1090, and ISO 15085, among others. Additionally, we are accredited by the German Bundeswehr and hold the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification. To ensure we meet the highest quality standards, we’ve invested in the very latest scanning and probing technologies. This continual investment in state of the art equipment ensures we meet the exacting quality requirements expected by our customers.
MTL Advanced accreditations
Quality assurance

Other Materials

At MTL, we stock a wide range of materials in Rotherham to meet customers' needs. From Ballistic Threat Level to Hardox Plate.