MTL launches MTL ON-SITE service to the recycling industry.

At the recent RWM exhibition (September 2015) mtl launched its brand new service to the recycling sector, mtl on-site.

mtl on-site is designed to help customers get the most from their wear parts, with a free of charge wear consultancy and on-site reverse engineering.

Recycling centres are often limited when procuring wear parts, generally purchasing overseas, meaning long lead times and expensive shipping costs. To combat this, mtl‘s  specifically trained wear consultant will be available for an on-site visit. This 3-step process will involve looking at the materials, the overall design of the wear parts and the desired outcome.

Business Development Manager for the recycling industry Jamie Cooper comments “In some cases we have been able to prolong wearlife by upto 40% increasing overall efficiency.”

Due to mtl‘s extensive in-house manufacturing capabilities, ranging from state-of-the-art waterjet cutting and machining  of materials upto and above 600HB, we can ensure a quick, reliable and cost effective wear parts service.