MTL Expands its Successful Training Academy

UK contract manufacturing specialist MTL plans to expand its training academy by recruiting a new influx of apprentices.

MTL currently trains and employs 9 apprentices within the factory and the offices. Its apprenticeship schemes include training in welding/fabrication, laser, machining and estimating. There is also additional training for use of our automated systems including our 6 axis twin robot welding system  The schemes include both practical skills and also internationally recognised qualifications such as BTEC and NVQ certifications.

The success of the current apprentices has seen the company seek to attract another 8 recruits in welding and fabrication in an investment in the future skills of the company.

The five year apprenticeships provide individuals in South Yorkshire with an opportunity to gain the relevant skills for a successful career in engineering, whilst also producing highly-skilled workers to contribute to the expansion of MTL and WEC Group overall.

MTL’s parent company WEC Group recently participated in the World Skills UK competition at the NEC in Birmingham, winning gold and a bronze award. Apprentices are integral to the WEC Group who hold an annual Apprentice of the Year event.

If you are interested in our welding and fabrication schemes or require further information please email or call 0114 2617979